hhugboy v1.3.2 release & ROM update
Yesterday I found a couple of issues related to the games I released in my last post. Basically: If you use a bootstrap ROM with hhugboy, it (should) emulate the custom boot logo (replacing Nintendo's) for games that use one. However, that behaviour was broken for the mapper used by those games due to an error in my implementation of it, meaning the logos would appear inconsistently or not at all. Additionally, some PCB variants for this mapper (relevantly, the one used by Digimon Sapphire) do not actually display a custom logo at all, which I hadn't accounted for.
So I've done the following:
- Updated the GBX mapper definitions to allow for PCB type to be specified in the footer for the GB81 mapper
- Released hhugboy 1.3.2 which fixes the broken custom logo behaviour and adds support for those PCB type variants
- Updated the Digimon Sapphire GBX ROM file to specify its PCB type, meaning it will not display a custom logo anymore, the same as on the real cartridge
If you're not using the bootstrap ROM this isn't too relevant, but I'd still recommend redownloading the updated Digimon Sapphire GBX file for the sake of propagating the more accurate version.
i'm creating a in-progress hack of one of sintax's canclled GBA games:
Mickey mania 2