li cheng extravaganza ~ IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT D:
it has come to my attention that several of my "fixed" versions of li cheng dumps released recently have the wrong cartridge type set in the header, because i am a huge fool; this will probably prevent you from saving on emulators other than hhugboy :(
i will update this post with any games affected and release properly fixed versions soon! sorry!
UPDATE 16:40 - These are the games with issues (note this only affects the "fixed" versions in other emulators, the raw dumps still work fine in hhugboy):
Wrong cart type in header, can't save:
- CBA010 Shuihu Shenshou
- CBA033 Emo Cheng 2 - Fengyun Pian
- CBA060 Mingzhu Koudai Guaishou 2
- CBA064 Gangdan Wuyu 2
- CBA073 Shuihu Zhuan - Jingdian Ban
- CBA075 Yingxiong Jian 2
- CBA078 Shuma Baolong - Diannao Pian
- CBA080 Sanguozhi Wudai
Probably wrong cart type, but doesn't save anyway (so shouldn't affect anything really):
- CBA076 Xi You Ji
- CBA079 Yingxiong Tianxia - Not sure about this one, the real cart has no battery but there are slots for unlockable characters, would make sense if those could be saved
Bigger problems :(
- CBA078 Shuma Baolong - Diannao Pian - Level 4-2 is empty so you'll just fall to your death repeatedly. This seems to be the result of some un-removed Li Cheng protection as the raw dump still works fine in hhugboy
if you want to play any of these games in non-hhugboy emulators i suggest you hold off for a bit & i'll upload fixed versions soon!
UPDATE 18:32 - New fixed versions are now available for the following games, marked with "Fixed-2" or "Header Fix-2" in the file names:
- CBA010 Shuihu Shenshou Shuihu Shenshou (Unlicensed, Chinese) (CBA010) [Fixed-2].zip
- CBA033 Emo Cheng 2 - Fengyun Pian Emo Cheng 2 - Fengyun Pian (Unlicensed, Chinese) (CBA033) [Fixed-2].zip
- CBA060 Mingzhu Koudai Guaishou 2 Mingzhu Koudai Guaishou 2 (Unlicensed, Chinese) (CBA060) [Fixed-2].zip
- CBA064 Gangdan Wuyu 2 Gangdan Wuyu 2 (Unlicensed, Chinese) (CBA064) [Header Fix-2].zip
- CBA073 Shuihu Zhuan - Jingdian Ban Shuihu Zhuan - Jingdian Ban (Unlicensed, Chinese) (CBA073) [Fixed-2].zip
- CBA075 Yingxiong Jian 2 Yingxiong Jian 2 (Unlicensed, Chinese) (CBA075) [Fixed-2].zip
- CBA076 Xi You Ji Xi You Ji (Unlicensed, Chinese) (CBA076) [Fixed-2].zip
- CBA079 Yingxiong Tianxia Yingxiong Tianxia (Unlicensed, Chinese) (CBA079) [Fixed-2].zip
- CBA080 Sanguozhi Wudai Sanguozhi Wudai (Unlicensed, Chinese) (CBA080) [Fixed-2].zip
CBA078 Shuma Baolong - Diannao Pian is still undergoing further investigation!
UPDATE 19:04 - fixed the checksums now too shhh
UPDATE 23:12 - CBA078 Shuma Baolong - Diannao Pian is now working properly (hopefully), special thanks to SpaceNinja for spotting the problem & testing!
Download here: Shuma Baolong - Diannao Pian (Unlicensed, Chinese) (CBA078) [Fixed-2].zip
Then don't forget to fix them for the last ones :P
I meant the last parts, seems my mind is being lost at the moment.
A question: do my old savestates not work if I use them on these?
nah old savestates will work fine
Thank you for the roms, and for the new ones also. By the way, the Digimon-themed multicart rom doesn't work properly, I plan to make a video gameplay about it, but when I choose an option, the emulator crashes. Can you upload a working rom, please?
^That ROM doesn't run on any emulator as of yet.
Thanks a lot Taizou for the dumps.
I have added support for the raw dumps to MESS :)
[PYRAMID] PEC-586 Computer & Game (C)
[PYRAMID] PEC-586 Computer & Game (C)_NoTapeOut
[Kingwon] Jin Ka V5.0 (C)
[ZeCheng] Chao Ji Xue Xi Ka (C)
[KeWang] Chao Ji Wu Bi Han Ka (C) V1
[KeWang] Chao Ji Wu Bi Han Ka (C) V2
[KeWang] Dian Nao Xue Xi Ka III (C)
[XinKe] Tiao Zhan Han Ka (C)
CBA010 Shuihu Shenshou
CBA033 Emo Cheng 2 - Fengyun Pian
CBA060 Mingzhu Koudai Guaishou 2
CBA064 Gangdan Wuyu 2
CBA073 Shuihu Zhuan - Jingdian Ban
CBA075 Yingxiong Jian 2
CBA076 Xi You Ji
CBA079 Yingxiong Tianxia
CBA080 Sanguozhi Wudai
CBA078 Shuma Baolong - Diannao Pian
Is he banned yet?
CaH4e3 FAMI Dumping project 2020 Year Dumps?