Handheld Underground

GBX tool beta release

posted by taizou @ 2020-09-07 01:50:33 Other Stuff

I said a long-ass time ago that I would make a tool for managing the file footers on GBX ROMs and I absolutely never did

Anyway the other day I decided to learn Python and do it, so here it is!

The latest (and only) release as of this writing is v1.0.0-beta.

It can add, edit and remove headers, and also hash ROMs. It's still in a beta state, so I wouldn't call it robust exactly, but I've tested the various operations against some test ROMs and got the expected results. You should definitely verify its output in a hex editor if you're using it for a ROM you plan to release though.

You'll need to install the Python 3 interpreter for your platform to use it. Then, just download the source code zip from the beta release and run gbxtool.py as per the instructions.



1posted by SuperfishMEMZ @ 2020-09-07 14:56:01

That means I can now stop making GBX footers in Winhex, and combine the ROM and footer together

2posted by guyzis @ 2020-09-11 02:38:18

I'm no dumper so it's useless to me, but as one's trash is someone else's gold I'm sure it'll be of use to more skillful dumpers out there.