posted by taizou @ 2013-04-14 19:01:46
on a little bit of a roll today - next up I've got a couple of variations on a theme, the theme being Sintax's surprisingly-decent "Castlevania DX" game - a demo ROM has been circulating for a while but the full version remains elusive. But! Suddenly less-elusive are these two dubious hacks of the full version based on popular RPG series, which surely has to be worth something.
A few general points that apply to both of these: they were dumped from GBA-sized carts, but the games still run in GBC mode; the black spot in the pics below is on my camera; and the new replacement sprites use swords while the original Castlevania guy had a whip, but the collision detection hasn't been updated to account for it, meaning you have to duck to hit enemies which look like they should be reachable. quality etc
Pian Wai Zhang Huang Jin Tai Yang - Feng Yin De Yuan Gu Lian Jin Shu (篇外章 黃金太陽-封印的遠古煉金術)
why yes, yes that is a long title, thanks for noticing. This one is based on Camelot's Golden Sun series, vaguely.
raw: Pian Wai Zhang Huang Jin Tai Yang - Feng Yin De Yuan Gu Lian Jin Shu (Unlicensed, Chinese) [Raw Dump].zip
fixed: Pian Wai Zhang Huang Jin Tai Yang - Feng Yin De Yuan Gu Lian Jin Shu (Unlicensed, Chinese) [Fixed].zip
Yong Zhe Dou E Long VIII (勇者鬥惡龍VIII)
Well, VIII on the title screen, not-VIII on the box. But I think I've seen a box with VIII on it on Taobao or something. Anyway. Dragon Quest this time, and I do at least recognise a couple of Dragon Quest enemies they've shoved in there.
raw: Yong Zhe Dou E Long VIII (Unlicensed, Chinese) [Raw Dump].zip
fixed: Yong Zhe Dou E Long VIII (Unlicensed, Chinese) [Fixed].zip
posted by taizou @ 2013-04-14 17:02:04
well i'm just ploughing through some more Sintax stuff here. two variations on the previously dumped Spider-Man game! once again the raw versions should work in hhugboy & MESS + im supplying fixed ones for other emus.
Movie Version Spider-Man 3
This is the English version - aside from the language and a new animated "3" on the title screen it seems to be the same as the Chinese one. Dumped by BigFred!
raw: Movie Version - Spider-Man 3 (Unlicensed, English) [Raw Dump].zip
fixed: Movie Version - Spider-Man 3 (Unlicensed, English) [Fixed].zip
Chuan Shuo (傳說)
Lazy, lazy hack of Spider-Man. Still has his head in the status bar. Cart supplied by Qiezei, dumped by me.
raw: Chuan Shuo (Unlicensed, Chinese) [Raw Dump].zip
fixed: Chuan Shuo (Unlicensed, Chinese) [Fixed].zip
posted by taizou @ 2013-03-07 13:58:47
got some more backlogged Sintaxness today: He Jin Zhuang Bei II (合金裝備II) or Metal Gear II, a Metal Gear-based beat 'em up. It uses the Three Kingdoms engine but pretty much does its own thing with it (unlike Shaolin from the last post) and it's pretty decent, quite Metal Gearish in presentation and not at all Metal Gearish in gameplay.
(There might also be an English version and it possibly might have been released as "Eraq War II", but I've never seen it under either name.)
Cart provided by Qiezei - thanks (again)! As with the previous post, the raw dump should work in hhugboy + MESS and the fixed should work in everything else.
raw: He Jin Zhuang Bei II (Unlicensed, Chinese) [Raw Dump].zip
fixed: He Jin Zhuang Bei II (Unlicensed, Chinese) [Fixed].zip
posted by taizou @ 2013-03-07 01:07:49
got a bit of a backlog to clear here so i'm gonna get this stuff out of the way first - these are all Sintax games and they're all basically variations (different levels/intros/what have you) on existing dumps. They're all pretty decent anyway!
All the raw dumps here will work in hhugboy and they should also work in MESS thanks to etabeta's efforts on that front. but I'm also still posting fixed versions for other emulators where possible, because there are still plenty of platforms without any emus that support these things.
Shaoling Legend: hero, the saver (Fantasic ShaoLin Kungfu) / Shao Lin Shi San Gun - Ying Xiong Jiu Zhu (少林十三棍-英雄救主)
Basically a reskin of True Thre(e) Kingdoms/Shin Sangoku Musou/whatever the ROM version was called again. All the sprites have been badly re-edited but the new(?) backgrounds are quite nice. And I have both the English and Chinese versions here! so yay for that. (note that in the Chinese version, the in-game character portraits are glitched - it's like that on the real cart too)
english raw: Shaoling Legend - Hero, the Saver (Fantasic ShaoLin Kungfu) (Unlicensed, English) [Raw Dump].zip
english fixed: Shaoling Legend - Hero, the Saver (Fantasic ShaoLin Kungfu) (Unlicensed, English) [Fixed].zip
chinese raw: Shao Lin Shi San Gun - Ying Xiong Jiu Zhu (Unlicensed, Chinese) [Raw Dump].zip
chinese fixed: Shao Lin Shi San Gun - Ying Xiong Jiu Zhu (Unlicensed, Chinese) [Fixed].zip
2003 Ha Li Xiao Zi IV (2003哈利小子IV) / 2003 Ha Li Bo Te 2 - Xiao Shi De Mi Shi (2003哈利波特2-消失的密室)
The dumped "Harry Potter" platform game with different levels/intro/etc. The only difference between the two versions seems to be the titles (which translate to Harry Boy IV and Harry Potter 2, though the latter just uses its subtitle on the title screen, Chamber of Secrets).
hb4 raw: 2003 Ha Li Xiao Zi IV (Unlicensed, Chinese) [Raw Dump].zip
hb4 fixed: 2003 Ha Li Xiao Zi IV (Unlicensed, Chinese) [Fixed].zip
hp2 raw: 2003 Ha Li Bo Te 2 - Xiao Shi De Mi Shi (Unlicensed, Chinese) [Raw Dump].zip
hp2 fixed: 2003 Ha Li Bo Te 2 - Xiao Shi De Mi Shi (Unlicensed, Chinese) [Fixed].zip
Digimon Yellow Jade
Digimon 9 with a new title screen/story (in English!)/levels. Also the Agumon sprite has been redrawn for some reason. It's a bit skinnier and less cute but it has all the same animations.
raw: Digimon Yellow Jade (Unlicensed, English) [Raw Dump].zip
fixed: Digimon Yellow Jade (Unlicensed, English) [Fixed].zip
posted by taizou @ 2013-02-11 14:13:25
now THIS is another one I've been after for what can only be described as a long-ass time. once again this comes from Qiezei's 8 in 1 - it's another Vast Fame game (hell yes) and it's an action game, so it's considerably more accessible than their RPGs for all you non-Chinese-speakers out there. It's called "E Mo Dao" (惡魔島) literally "Devil Island", also known as "Devil Land" (from the multicart menu).
Basically it's a clone of Konami's Getsu Fuuma Den gameplay-wise, but aesthetically closer to Castlevania, and for my money it controls better than the original did (though it can be hard to avoid enemies at times, much like Zook Hero 2). Music is excellent as usual, the graphics are really nice, and all around its just a good package.
Anyway, enjoy! No need for a fix this time, I think (but if you have any issues with saving please let me know)
E Mo Dao (Unlicensed, Chinese) (Multicart Rip).zip